Thoughts on PLTR?

If you've invested in PLTR then you invested for what it will look like years from now.

You can't worry about what the price looks like today unless it's at a price that you want to buy more. It doesn't matter what the price is today if you're investing for what it will look like 5 years from now.

Fear is high and PLTR is a speculative stock. I expect a pullback and frankly I'm super stoked about it because I want to buy more. I can't buy 1000s at a time so I need time to buy long term stocks like this. Don't get scared of what the price does today if you're investing in something for the long term. It doesn't matter what the price does, it matters what Palantir does.

If you don't have the conviction to stick through the red in a long term speculative stock then maybe it's not the play for you.

/r/stocks Thread