Thursday PM Treatment Thread

Oh man. So I have been pretty good at keeping it together at my RE but CD1 was my review with my doctor. We waited an hour and 20 minutes, I had to get back to work and my husband missed a funueral so I was PISSED and emotional and basically couldn’t control the tears when I saw her. I ugly cried and my husband had to do most of the talking.

She wants us to transfer our last embryo, the poor quality, day 6 untested early blast. She also said she does not suspect endo and so I didn’t push to do the receptiva test. She said she tested CD138 multiple times and it was negative and my ovaries look normal, just polycystic. I’m choosing to believe her that I don’t have endo and that the embryos were probably just poor quality. But I’ve done about 100 days of supplements so I’m hoping I’m in a better spot for the next retrieval.

She kept saying they did a “swim up” for the sperm to pick the good ones. Not sure if that’s good enough? I’m too shy to ask for zymot.

I asked to do a semi natural cycle because the estrace was making me crazy and the PIO was unbearable. But now I’m worried the femara didn’t work. I go for an ultrasound on Saturday to check. If it doesn’t work, I won’t regret it because I’ve been normal and happy and I’ll just suck it up next month and do the darn estrace.

Glad I can get that out. So that’s what’s going on with me.

/r/infertility Thread