TIFU By holding a door open for a female co-worker.

Reminds me of the day of the Boston Bombing. I was in the city as it was being evacuated I had to take a commuter rail out of the city out to Zone 7 (longish ride). This couple dressed in really nice clothes, youngish probably no older than 30-32 are sitting near me (im 23) and when the conductor comes by they go to pay cash but theyre $2 short because of the service fee. These people FLIP out, they start ripping into the conductor belittling him telling him they were going to call management, 'explaining' parent companies and subsidiaries and all this bullshit in the most offensive tone I've ever heard. So, being the only free-thinker on the train I stood up and stuck up for the conductor and said something to the effect of, "Wow can you stop being so shitty, especially on a day like today I'll pay your $2 fee if you shut the fuck up" and they shifted their tirade onto me, asked me how old I was told me I didn't know anything, belittled me etc.

So fast forward to Zone 7 and they are apparently getting off where I get off, fine. They walk towards the same door that I do so they are behind me. If you've ever been on an MBTA commuter rail you know those sliding doors between cars are heavy as hell, so when I get to the door I open it ALLL the way (I'm 6+ feet tall with long arms so I opened it far ahead of myself) and then timed it perfectly to let its own momentum build up and close itself really hard but I slipped through the doorway at the second to last second, feigning holding it behind me. The loud lady walked right into the door and her oafish man walked into her and smushed her. When they finally figured out the handle I was off the train laughing while I heard distant "FUCK YOU YOU FUCKING LITTLE PRICK"

Seriously, on what planet would I hold the door for such scumbags? It was incredible the arrogance these ones had

/r/tifu Thread