TIL the 16th century monk Giordano Bruno proposed that stars were distant suns surrounded by exoplanets that could contain life. He was sentenced to death by the same man who sentenced Galileo to death.

Here's a post that specifically critiques your own view

Your way of describing this link reaffirms my observation that you're not taking the slightest bit of time to understand the claim I'm making.

“…Teaching that pretends to have established the irreducible antagonism between the scientific spirit and the spirit of Christianity is the most colossal and most audacious lie that has ever attempted to dupe the people."

I agree. Which is why I never said anything to the contrary. All I said was that, since the beginning of time, religion has gotten in the way of the progress of mankind. Did I say that's all it's ever done? No. Did I say that it's never also helped mankind? No. I just said, recurrent throughout history, religion has held us back. Sometimes it's also pushed us forward. Sometimes it's done both at once. But throughout history, there are examples of it holding us back.

I never claimed there is an "irreducible antagonism" between religion and science. I never claimed that it is exclusively antagonism. I merely claimed that it is a recurrent theme throughout history.

See, this is the problem with blowhards like yourself. You have one argument in your back pocket, and so you go around hitting everything with that argument. You don't take the time to actually understand the viewpoint that you're arguing against. If you did, you'd save yourself a lot of effort and the rest of us a lot of frustration.

People like you do more harm than good in educating the public because instead of educating people, you piss people off. When you're pissed off, you more firmly entrench yourself in your beliefs. Please be more careful next time. The world has enough ignorance in it already without you encouraging more of it.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org