TIL that in 19 states it is still legal for teachers to spank children at school.

bunch of white man science... doesn't translate to the real world, I and almost everyone I know got the devil flogged out of us in school, turned out fine, we didn't shoot up schools, engage in shitty hooliganism, didn't wear earrings, shout at our mom, or raise any sort of hell, become emo or commit suicide. We had other shit to worry about.

I run a large company (and have quite enough gray matter) other people I schooled with went on to have normal lives and careers. Whether it taught me that corporal punishment is good is another thing, I agree it is good. Now a line must be drawn between abuse and behavioral discipline. I also would caution understanding in regards to whether or not the kids in these studies believed that they are being abused, if they believed so, then in that particular case I would acknowledge these studies as correct, whereas if they believed that they were being legitimately punished for bad behavior and needed to adjust then these studies will fall flat. I.e if you think you are being abused, you'd be fucked up and vice versa. In addition to that, I think it also largely depends on the child's view in regards to his mates, if his mates are punished similarly, then he wouldn't think it to be abuse conversely, if he believes his mates are not put through the same discipline then he'd believe that abuse is taking place and would be all kinds of fucked up.

In my own case, all this was completely normal, everyone went through it... so it was largely fine in the end, no behavioral anomalies, no reduced brain matter, no depression (most of us don't even know that this is even a thing) I don't think I have ever met a man that was clinically depressed in my life (in my region) its more of a western white people concept or problem (that's not to say it doesn't happen here)

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