TIL That all blue eyed people are all related due to an Ancestor who had genetically mutated blue eyes around 10,000 years ago near the black sea.

The fact that you embrace how evil, sick, genocidal, barbaric, and savage your race is makes this argument moot and laughable.

First, all humans are the same race so nice not understanding the reality that you live in. Secondly, it's merely understanding reality and understanding that without white people the entire world would still be living in the stone age. We built what you love so much about the world today (Computers, cars, sky scrapers, indoor plumbing, etc). You're just mad that we (whites) got everywhere first. You and I both know that when you look at the palms of your hands you know who's more evolved. Your kind wanted to stay in the desert sun swinging from trees while my kind built ships, castles, and conquered the fucking world.

Decent human beings don't take pride in invading countries and killing inhabitants because they simply feel they must.

Stated by the guy that's entire culture is based on thugging, crying for handouts from the people he blames for his problems, and that kill themselves more in the US alone than drone strikes kill the innocent (worldwide)...lol. You're the epitome 'black stupid pride'. Crying that the world is unfair when the rest of us knew that 50,000-100,000 years ago. Boo fucking hoo. Get a job like Jay-Z told your ass to.

You are too dumb to realized that you proved my whole point for me.

I think what you mean to say is that I proved you wrong on every aspect of this conversation and now you're just annoyed that you can't win. I'm just more adapted to logical reasoning.

Whites are a bunch of savages who aren't interested in making the world a better place.

Whites couldn't ask for a better world to be honest. Even the 'first black president' is half white, raised by a white mother, educated by whites at elite (white) universities, and has enacted all the policies that the richest white people wanted from him (Hint: Banks have made more under Obama than Bush). All while blacks are just happy he's black folk.....lol...

Whites fucked Africa up through colonization and aparthied but you fail to address that because you know that the current state africa is in is directly linked to those facts.

Umm, no, Africa has always been a shithole and whites just didn't care to build up your guy's house for you guys. Go back there and rebuild it. If all the whites moved to Africa and kicked out all the nignogs, guess what, sooner or later Africa would be the greatest country in the world, too. Success just follows us...and you mad.

I appreciate you proving my point with such ignorant enthusiasm.

I dismantled your uneducated views so badly your original incest remarks weren't even present in your response. The only ignorant one here was you. You had made up facts and own a distorted view of reality. It's why you deep down really need us whites so you should show some appreciation and just STFU with all the bullshit. We whites are working on cures for diseases, going into space, planning for our species future, while your kind is in our white owned stadiums throwing balls around for our entertainment. Just saying.

whites are obessed with blacks and your hatred for us runs deep which is why you take time out of your life to write a essay about a people you have so much disdain for.

LOL...More black delusion. We have way bigger things to worry about than blacks. By the way, this conversation started because of you insulting all whites in general (and you were wrong about and it's not statistically accurate...lol), so, umm, who has the real obsession....lol. You probably want to be white. I wouldn't be surprised if you knocked up so white trash bitch just so your kids could be whiter than you. :)

Once again thanks for exposing your race for the sick maniacal individuals your are.

Once again, all humans are apart of the same 'race'. It's called the 'human race' for a reason. Piece out cousin.

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