TIL in America hospitals charge over $32,000 for childbirth, on average

“Our research found that hospitals charged over $32,000 for a vaginal birth, on average, but the actual amount paid by the insurance company, the mother, and any other third parties added up to about $18,000. Meanwhile, the out-of-pocket cost is much, much less.”

So you have to,pay the difference?

One major factor in the cost of delivery is, of course, how you go about it. A C-section, being a serious operation and all, costs about 50 percent more than a typical vaginal delivery (although its average out-of-pocket cost winds up being about $400 higher). However, a vaginal birth with complications can quickly surpass the cost of a routine cesarean. If your baby has to go to the NICU, that could also add thousands to your bottom line. In short, a lot of expensive things can happen during labor, delivery, and its aftermath.

They do recommend that you talk to your doctors and insurance companies beforehand so that you determine all options available including birth centers.

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