TIL Argentina is one of the whitest counties in the world with a white population of 97%.

Still never answered my question you little shit. If races don't exist why do we give minorities credit for their achievements? Can't figure out a way around that one huh?

this is the first time you have asked that question mr mercury. Race is a social construct does not mean there is no such thing as race. However, in it's actual meaning, all human beings that are alive today are the same race. The human race. Homo sapien sapien. The other races of man are extinct, homo sapien neanderthalensis, homo sapien denisovian etc... That's not pseudo science. When you say "black race" and "white race" you are doing the same thing that bible thumpers do when they say that evolution is just a theory.

In common everyday speech people use the terms hypothetical and theoretical the same way. But they don't mean the same thing in the world of science.

The same is true for the word "race". And in it's colloquial use, race is a social construct. So it exists.

If I appear to have a grandiose view of myself it's only because I am comparing myself to you.

You have no idea what you are talking about when it comes to college. I am black and I didn't go to college for free. No one in my family did. I am struggling now and I am back in school to work on my masters and I am in massive debt. That is life. I don't make excuses and try to blame other people by living in some victim fantasy. I just accept it and move on. If you can't do that then, well, survival of the fittest.

You shouldn't believe everything you read from davidduke.com or wherever you get your information from.

Whatever problem you have in your life, it's not the progressives fault or the minorities.

IT IS YOUR FAULT. get an education and stop making excuses, being lazy and blaming the blacks.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - infoplease.com