TIL a Confederate soldier named John Stith Pemberton got stabbed in the chest in battle, and afterwards became hooked on morphine. He was working on a cure for his painkiller addiction when he accidentally mixed it with carbonated water and invented Coca-Cola.

The deadliest drugs came to be widely used in the 60s. the ones that killed Janis Joplin, Marylin Monroe, Jimi Hendrix...

Presently, there is a fentanyl epidemic. Fentanyl is hundreds of times stronger than heroin. My province, British Columbia, Canada, has a few million people and 170 died of overdoses in May.

Id say pre turn of the century: scary as fuck 1900 - 1950 relatively safe. no fentanyl, no deadly sedatives, the cocaine and heroin gave been banned.

50s to 70s are there death strip where dozens of stats overdosed and died on barbituates. The early barbs (like from the 20s) weren't nearly as deadly... Hendrix had a glass of wine and 9 tablets... That's it.

The modern day is scary due to fentanyl. .

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org