TIL Down syndrome is practically non-existent in Iceland. Since introducing the screening tests back in the early 2000s, nearly 100% of women whose fetus tested positive ended up terminating the pregnancy. It has resulted in Iceland having one of the lowest rates of Down syndrome in the world.

People with down syndrome get so much hate. They're some of the softest, sweetest and genuinely most interesting people I've ever had the pleasure of meeting.

What I've noticed is that people's opinions on down syndrome only really change once they get to really know someone with it. Just because you knew someone with it at school doesn't mean everyone with down syndrome is a carbon copy of them. If you get what I mean.

Yeah sometimes I guess they can be tough, but I've met plenty of people without down syndrome that I'd much rather stay away from. Life is a serious gift, if you don't think you can look after someone with down syndrome doesn't mean another family don't want the opportunity.

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