TIL The Gates Foundation spends more on global health each year than the World Health Organization of the United Nations.


I am being downvoted because a very high percentage of Reddit users are paid to be here. The people who pay those people do not want you to know that the autism rates, and HIV rates, and ADHD rates, and infertility rates in 3rd world countries go through the roof right after Bill and Melinda come through.

I've given everyone access to all of the relevant information.

But some people don't want to believe that they have been lied to their entire life. They want to believe that the world is exactly as CNN says it is. If they start thinking they've been lied to, the foundation of everything they believe in starts to crumble.

So half of the downvotes are likely paid shills. The other half are the indoctrinated that believe the government, bankers, and super-rich mega-conglomerate owners really care about the world's best interests.

Bill Gates believes that the world's population should be kept to 500,000,000. That means that they need to kill/sterilize 6,500,000,000 people. Bill Gates believes that because he is super rich (from stealing ideas from others) that he deserves to choose who gets to live and die and who gets to procreate.

All you need to do is search DuckDuckGo for "Bill Gates Eugenics" and you will find all the information you need.

opinionated and unverifiable

That's funny that you say that. Because the reality of the matter is, you're being brainwashed by "opinionated and unverifiable" sources. But because those sources agree with the government, and The Powers That Be, you believe them. This is called indoctrination. You are not willing to seek honest sources, or use any logic or critical thinking. You just want to believe what you have always been told. Or else your whole world would shatter, and you'd realize that most of your life is meaningless and you're nothing but a brainwashed automaton.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - hinnovic.org