TIL higher intelligence is linked with higher rates of mental illness such as schizophrenia and bipolar disorder, causing the "mad scientist" stereotype to have ground in reality.

I think you absolutely nailed it, man. You've set me on a course over the last hour of going through and researching this why more as it's been debilitating for me lately.

Has anyone else who felt this way tried to go to "see someone?" For years, every person I dated would tell me that I needed to go "see someone." So finally I did this about 5 years ago. I ended up talking to a psychiatrist or psychologist I can't remember and I ended up just talking for an hour every time I went there and she would respond and give me feedback, but every time she would open her mouth I would feel like I already knew what she was going to say because it was so obvious. So I guess I am just a know it all and a depressed person. So I admit that and I work on that all the time. However I was wondering if anybody out there has the same problem where they can't go see somebody and talk to somebody because you feel like you just already know what they're going to say because you are decently smart yourself and understand a little bit about your own psychology already? Right now I don't know if I should explorer medication or do drugs like pot (which I've never done before in my life) or what I need to do. I just know that the current status quo is not working and I have gone from having tons of friends and family and relationships in my twenties to literally staying alone at home with my cat in my thirties and barely interacting with anyone.

Am I the only one who doesn't know the goddamn solution to feeling better? What have you guys done when you find that you're so much of a depressed know it all asshole that you cannot even allow doctors to help you?

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - medicaldaily.com