TIL: A morbidly obese woman refused to get free weight-loss surgery offered by the NHS because she didn't want to lose the £75,000 in disability benefits she was receiving.

You don't get this fat by being normal, nobody does. She has an enabling mother who probably is also fat as a beached whale and also claims benefits for arthritis which is often a obesity illness. They deep fry breakfast, even deep frying once a week is unhealthy. Even if your healthy and eating something deep fried once a month is still something u need to spend 2 to 3 days on to shed the excess calories. If one eats this every day they are basicly stockpiling fat until they get so extremely obese their metabolic rate is so high they finally adapt to beeping able to burn the breakfast as energy because the body allready has over 100+ kilos of fat. All the while the arteries are chocking up, the lungs are being compressed and the bones and muscles do not have the strength to carry them causing them to get bedridden. These ppl don't make it past 45, when their 25 they get illnesses like diabetes and heart pvc's or arrhythmia's that may require a betablocker to eleviate.

For 75k a year i am all for seizing these ppl against their will; putting them on a diet and learning them how to be an adult and how to handle basic life because their "parents" failed to do so.

In the way she talks and blames others its clear the she has a mental disorders and most likely a personality disorder.

There's no motivation to do better at all. She's earning triple then most ppl.

This sort of care is suppose to be for people who are born with dissabilities or who become disabled by an accident. Not for ppl who shove food down their throats and fail to handle life issues. When she gets treatment, she will slowly be motivated to get a job work part time and get moving more to lose more and more weight while eating less. She does not want to do that because she knows the finish line result allready. Sagging skin and a ugly body and has to work 40 to 60 hrs a week to just get by on paying bills as a cashier or cleaning lady because the intellect of these sorts of ppl is subpar. For example earning 24k a year compared to doing fuck all and earning 75k a year which one would you pick when one is allready getting the 75k and has no worry in their life? That's a major part of the problem. The laws set up in such a way that these ppl can abuse the system without any repercussions. In my country if people claim none employabillity due to heavy weight they have to back up their claims with medical research and doctors. For example if one suffers from a thyroid problem they have to get medicated and follow stringent diets to get cuts and while the system is fairly laid back - these ppl are forced to get help. If the reason is poor diet, no exercise, laziness or mental issues they are forced to seek help and treatment if they don't comply they lose all benefits and are out on the street.

Her boyfriend doesn't work either, yet can't help her with cleaning her in the bathtub or helping keeping the hygiene in the house up by sporadic cleaning. Naah, these are typical moochers and if the majority of the population had any say in how their tax money is being spent these ppl would be begging on the street for pennies.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - mirror.co.uk