TIL most Japanese schools do not employ janitors or custodians. The Japanese education system believes that requiring students to clean the school themselves teaches respect, responsibility, and emphasizes equality.

you're so full of jap love shit it is unreal.

1: Schools are filthy. The kids clean the toilets with nothing more than water. The swill diluted piss around all over the place and then it evaporates off. The stank is summer is worse than your momma's sunday morning panties.

2: The students, for the most part eat lunch in the classrooms, there is constantly food all over the floor as the cleaning is completely unsupervised. Worse still is that the students tread in this food and trail it all over the school. It's freakin nasty.

3: Public wastebins are an endangered species, maybe in some tourist spots there are a few more, in general they are almost impossible to come by.

man you people are serious fucknuts. why do you put the japanese on some sort of moral idealistic pedestal. the young generation now is just as spoiled and selfish as any western country. Japan's culture is just behind many western "developed" nation's cultures, nothing more. the fabric of society is slowly crumbling just like it has done in the west.

god you fucknuts do my head in. it's not all pocky trees and wild pokemen. there are plenty of shitholes all over japan, you morons just choose to select what you look at and blindly follow stereotypes.

here, have a look


kuma no kodo, a world heritage site destroyed by local japanese, because they didn't want it to be a world heritage site. take your blinkers off you fools.

i wont even mention the pollution and pesticide apocalypse

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - ehow.com