TIL a Norwegian comedian wanted to prove that songs could become club hits without making any sense, so he collected randoms words and names in Spanish (a language he did not speak) as lyrics and added cliché saxophones and accordion mixes. The song charted across Europe, reaching #1 in some places.

Seems like some of the words strangely make sense...

We're the same to choose now and hold Billy's hand and a hooray maybe, get the color boss dime.

Brrrrr, chills of mine, we're getting cold baby this day yeah Billy Jo ho.

We're the same to choose now and hold Billy's hand and a hooray maybe, get the color boss dime.

Whether is the same now if you're the cold peace dean. You never trouble, never judge a God diva in this jam.

You're the coming up juice, no life and no soul, hobo hobo just getting lot or couple of no time.

O magnificent Stan, let the shoes go there my man. Give cash to the man to call to rain the girls.

Hold for something.

ay ay, sly sales lady. Have you got some cold lip measle ice

You're the cold man sailor, freezing callingness and not chooso. alright.

Eye eyes, mine sin flick, and it also goes with basil. eyes. bazel eyeys

freezing callingness and not chooso.

Well I should know sleeping and a giving a seed.

to land just another dumb ho, had a good time. Let phaze to blow.

We're the same and the same unless you become a band. There's too many kinds, a number for one to cry disdain.

Eye Eyes, my chancelet, and it helps to go with brail eyes.

You're the cold man sailor, freezing callingness and not chooso. alright.

You're the ice......

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org