TIL one of the side-effects of quitting marijuana is an overwhelming amount of dreams. A little known fact about marijuana is it can stop you from dreaming. When a user quits, they usually report extremely vivid dreams as they can now experience them again.

I can say smoking helped me sleep so much I forgot if I had or not a dream at all to the point I got fixed trying to remember then forcing dreams now I manipulate them, I really think it's practice just like any other thing, if you've had a full day of work, kids, SO, friends, tv, daily habits and such in my case I won't dream much... days off, meditation, imagination, art, music, visual stimulation such as parks, body's of water, sun sets seem to really help with dreaming, not sure, but I have my own thoughts as to why, I think the key is being the individuals reaching enlightenment and in that can control not only the consciousness but also the subconsciousness...

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