TIL that people who prefer to listen to U2, Radiohead, and Beethoven tended to score the highest on their SATs. In contrast, their consistently lowest scoring counterparts preferred listening to Lil Wayne and Nickelback.

<div class="md"><p>Tell people that The Godfather is a better movie than Paul Blart: Mall Cop... Noone bats an eye.</p>

<p>Tell people that To Kill A Mockingbird is better than Twilight... Noone bats an eye. </p>

<p>Tell people that Pink Floyd is better than Selena Gomez, and everyone loses their minds!!</p>

<p>Yes... Preference is subjective. But we can also evaluate and compare art objectively. Which is more complex? Which is pushing the bar, pioneering new things? Which was actually written by the artist or written by someone whose name you'll never know and given to the singer, like some corporate factory line?</p>

<p>And preference no doubt has a correlation with one's intellect to a degree. If you like certain music only because its popular, or because it helps you fit into a click, (Belieber, country fan, punk, etc) then you're not really being an individual, you're being a follower. If you like simple 4/4, verse, chorus, verse pop music, and think any song longer than 5 minutes is too long, or if the band rejects that formula, they're "wierd", then perhaps you're pretty simple and haven't challenged yourself artistically, philosophically, yadda yadda yadda.</p>

<p>Tl dr: I'm no fun at parties.</p>

<p>I honestly don't consider myself a genius or anything, and I know people will consider this "pretentious", but I'm just adding my tree-fiddy to the discussion. </p> </div>

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - labnol.org