TIL People with high IQs tend to appreciate dark humor more.

You can all joke about it, but it’s true. The vocabulary in which I take the time to implement unto these philosophical admonitions that I engrave on this low IQ site, is none other than the most sophisticated demeaner, enough to make your typical individual tremble. People think of me as daft, cold, and dark. Truth is a dangerous weapon, and I use it to its maximum extent. I’m a philosopher.

For the untrained mind, dark humor is a monster. For an erudite being such as myself, with a 170+ confirmed IQ score, with my doctor saying my skill to diffuse is argument is “basically godlike among his patients”, dark humor is nothing more than medicine for the soul. Not that we have a soul, life is meaningless after all, and we are just meat bags controlled by some pink entity in the skull.

/r/todayilearned Thread Link - businessinsider.com