TIL that "Pepe the Frog" is considered "objectionable content" by the iOS App Review Board, so I can't publish my game on the App Store. $99 and countless hours down the drain.

"Pepe Scream" is (thankfully) live on Google Play, so here's the link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.SpiritRealm.Pepe

Honestly, this is ridiculous. Digging around in internet history, we can see that he's been a meme on a variety of forums since at least 2008, starting with "FeelsGoodMan." Needless to say, no association with anything """objectionable."""



Literal pop stars have posted Pepe memes. You may have your own opinions on Nicki Minaj and Katy Perry, but promoting "hate speech" is definitely not what they do.



In fact, even the Anti-Defamation League's statement on Pepe the Frog (one of the most liberal interpretations, in both senses) says, "Many Pepe the Frog memes are not bigoted in nature, it is important to examine use of the meme only in context. The mere fact of posting a Pepe meme does not mean that someone is racist or white supremacist." The images THEMSELVES have to be racist to be considered hateful or objectionable, and there is NONE of that in my application. Source: https://www.adl.org/education/references/hate-symbols/pepe-the-frog

Basically, the way it's looking now: I don't think I'm going to be able to get the app live on iOS. Which is such a shame, because the Apple developer license costs $99 a year, and we've spent so long on trying to get the thing to work on iOS.

/r/gaming Thread Link - i.redd.it