TIL Saddam Hussein offered to step down to exile from the Iraqi government in 2003 prior to the invasion if he was allowed to keep USD $1 Billion

Seriously, fuck off with the racist bullshit.

History isn't pretty. Did you know that at one point in time, it was common to call those with black skin, niggers?

Or should we ignore that too?

all of which were valid, in their own right.


5 "Whereas" are talking about historical facts

2 "Whereas" are opinions (aka Propaganda)

2/3 "Whereas" talks about the civilian population

1/3 "Whereas" talks about a POW

1/3 "Whereas" talks about Kuwaiti property

1/2 "Whereas" talks about an unsubstantiated (even to this day) assassination attempt.

1/2 "Whereas" talks about people firing on foreign soldiers

1 "Whereas" talks about al Qaida members being in Iraq (never proven)

1 "Whereas" says there are terrorists organizations in Iraq (proven to be false)

1 "Whereas" says that terrorists getting WMD would be bad.

1 ""Whereas" says that Iraq using WMD would be bad

1 "Whereas" says that the UN authorized force to stop Iraq from creating WMD (proven that they weren't)

1 2/3 "Whereas" talks about the historical authorization allowing the President to use force in relation to the "Whereas" above

1 "Whereas" talks about a 1998 congressional declaration saying Saddam is a bad dude

1 "Whereas" is a mix of Saddam is a bad dude and history

1 "Whereas" outright claims that Iraq is supporting terrorists and continuing to create WMDs (HUGE fucking lie).

2 "Whereas" talks about the President being authorized to fight terrorism where ever.

1 "Whereas" talks about how restoring peace in the Middle East is good (snicker).

TL:DR: Out of 23 Reasons: .66 talked about the Iraqi people, 3 talked about Iraq's WMD (proven false). 5 talked about the links between Iraq and terrorism (proven false), and the remaining 14.33 reasons are basically bullshit justifications to invade a sovereign nation.

Source: The actual "Authorization for use of Miltary Force Against Iraq" of 2002.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - en.wikipedia.org