TIL.. Sadly, Reddit can be as toxic as other Social Media

Reddit is a cesspool of vain, ignorant bullshit. Don't get me wrong here, there's moments of great work on display in various corners, or clubs devoted to certain tastes and interests, but for the most part, Reddit is a dumping ground for stupid bullshit.

Case in point: entire subreddits about "nice guys". We get it people, there's some folks out there who have diffculty relating to others in some serious ways. But isn't it more than a little rude and arrogant to put these posts on display, especially under the banner of "anyone who isn't attractive is a fuckboy or a nice guy" and crucify them? Or how about these hate groups? Delicious organizations of people who just want to bolster their rampant hatred through gratification of their own egos? Mean-spirited much.

Or let's talk about the more vanity obsessed ones, of which there are many. People posting pictures of themselves for the sole purpose of being seen and feeling better about themselves. How shallow is that? Because it doesn't actually feed their self-esteem in any way, it just caters to a few horny individuals and allows some internet cam artists to reap the rewards. Not that these are bad people, but c'mon, try not playing into people's insecurities for once will you.

So if somebody gave you a bad pm or went full grammar gorilla on your ass, fuck em. This site isn't actually democratic in the least. Actually, it caters to populism. You don't need facts or merits on this site, but you do need to convince a bunch of people that your bullshit is high quality bullshit. So don't feel bad about yourself because of anything anyone says on Reddit. They're just obsessed with karma.

Don't get me started on karma.

/r/depression Thread