TIL silver is more rare than gold

Well, actually, I've ALWAYS much preferred the look of silver to gold, and I have several large silver dollar coins.

I find that silver has a highly unique whitish/frosty color tone, compared to almost all other "silver-like" metals.

It is true, however, that silver will tarnish (while gold does not), and tarnished silver does NOT look good, nor does that work out well for electronic uses.

(Other metals, such as copper, look quite pretty when they tarnish, such as tarnished copper's unique green look. But again, silver does not look good when it tarnishes.)

But, ya... in terms of coins, and jewelry, if your silver has tarnished, then it is VERY EASY to clean tarnished silver: just buy a tube of Arm and Hammer Triple Protection Tooth paste.

Squeeze a dab on your fingers, and rub the coin or jewelry, and within a couple of minutes, rinse well with water, and it will be back to a pristine, beautiful, unique, frosty-white look that you just don't get with any other metal.

(NOTE: of course, if your coin is extremely rare, or high value, then do NOT clean it. But if it's a run of the mill Morgan, or Peace silver dollar from the 1800's and you just want it to look beautiful for your own appreciation, and carrying around in your pocket, then I say go ahead and clean it with a little dab of that tooth-paste.)

Silver coins also have a very interesting higher pitched ring, when you spin them on your desk for example.

So yes, silver does have several unique characteristics that not many people are aware of, or appreciate.

If the price of silver hits that of gold, as this article tries to suggest, then I guess I might be a bit sad, since that will make future silver coin purchases unaffordable for me. But I would make a HUGE and insane profit on all the silver dollars I have bought thus far in my life!

All of this is not to say that I don't appreciate the look, and unique characteristics of other metals, such as gold.

Gold is also highly unique, and probably more useful in science and technology applications.

But... I find that gold tends to be a bit overrated in terms of jewelry and coin collecting... it's becoming almost a cliche status symbol... and people have lost appreciation for other metals, such as frosty-white-silver, beautiful-tarnished-copper-green, platinum, etc...

So maybe gold has been over-exposed culturally and in the fashion industry, and it's time for another rare metal to peak the public's interest.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - ealthwire.com