TIL the United States Postal Service is the single largest employer of veterans (22% of the postal workforce) and nearly a third of the veterans are disabled.

I also am pretty much at a loss as to how you'd keep from having a physical interview before you get hired.

I had multiple. Did you not follow the story about me speaking to multiple people in the stores? I am no longer physically disabled in a visible way. I can't make this clear enough: nothing about my health would impact my ability to work. I'm willing to bet I'm in better shape than you are, I work out between 5 and 7 days a week.

I don't really need a clue about how bad your job was

To say I don't have a moralistic reason for leaving my old job you sure as fuck do. You're acting like people dying due to nursing abuse is just a "bad job", I really hope that's not how you view people dying unnecessarily.

People change careers all the time, something like over 50% of adults have changed careers at least once, so you can keep saying overqualified all you want but speaking in generalities means nothing to me. We're talking about a specific situation, one where you can't even keep track of the details.

I'm stunned that you're just calling it a shitty job. Stunned. If that's genuinely how you view it then that's where I hope you and your loved ones end up.

/r/todayilearned Thread Parent Link - money.cnn.com