That time KMart nailed advertising

Alright, I worked for Kmart for a little over a year. Let's get down to what's happening behind the scenes at the retail level: it's fucked. They hire new people constantly and cut the houra of the established employees to non-sustainable levels (I had some weeks where they worked me 4 hours total). By the end of it things became so bad that I essentially didn't ever know my schedule. I came in one day when I was scheduled and then told to go home because hours had been cut. It was a waste of gas and an embarrassing situation to be in (walking in and out in front of my coworks in a short while). It's a shame that such a historical American shopping outlet has become such an awful place to work for and shop at. The corporate attempts at cost cutting has lead to making the most soul crushing numbers-are-everything environment. All they need to do is cut the bullshit and invest heavily back into the stores and advertising to make the easily recognizable franchise profitable again. Cutting costs has only been applying a bandaid to a festering wound. It doesn't work, if you want this gaping injury to heal properly you need to spend the right money to get proper treatment. I want to see Kmart succeed but until they actually attempt to make the work and shopping environment anything other than soul-sucking I am staying far away from this sinking artifact. Truly an American tragedy; a beloved monolith falls due to misguided negligence.

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