This is the time to push. This is not the time to lose focus, waste time making Bernie or Bust arguments, or freak out about superdelegates. This is the time to work. Volunteer, canvas, donate. Push. This is the time to get 60% of the delegates. Impossible? Not long ago being here was impossible.

It's bad that Bernie tried to get superdelegates to flip from Hillary when she won a plurality, but he has the right position this time. Whether that's on principle or just convenience, I'm not sure.

That being said, whoever wins the most votes should win. It's a horrible, horrible system we have now, but it is far, far better than letting elite superdelegates pick who they choose for any reason they want.

Do we really think these super delegates are going to pour through the data and see which candidate has the highest approval rating among the voters? That's the most naive thing I've ever heard in my fucking life. They're going to pick who they personally think has the best chance of beating Trump, which ever candidate makes the best backroom deals (probably Bloomberg), or who ever they personally like. And that's none of those options will be Bernie Sanders, even if he gets 49% of the delegates going into the convention. Everybody knows this. Anybody who doesn't agree with this is lying or lying to themselves.

If Republicans did this, we'd call them authoritarian facists who don't even trust voters to make their own decisions. But if it's Democrats, then they're just altruistic elites who are smarter than voters and will of course pick the candidate with the most approval among voters!

If you want a ranked choice voting system, then implement a ranked choice voting system for the Democratic Party that's based solely on popular vote. That's the true progressive option and I 100% support it, and Bernie should push for it after the convention if he makes it out of there. Not letting fucking super-delegates choose on a whim. Letting elites pick your politicians is anti-democratic and inherently a bad thing. There's a reason why we elect our Senators now when they used to be picked by other representatives until 1913.

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