This tire is 6 days old

I got home from picking up a brand new car and noticed the pressure had gone down a lot on the drive. I checked and saw a screw in the inside edge of the tire (so non-repairable). I tried to convince the sales person it must have been like that when we picked up the car, since we did point out that tire was already 2psi lower than the rest during the pickup review of the instrument panel and they didn't give me an opporunity to inspect the car in decent lighting. It was night time and they (a) didn't let us move the car at all prior to paperwork (2) were closing as they handed over the keys and he literally walked to his own car within 30 seconds. Their response was that people get a lot more nail damage on new tires; that "explanation" made zero sense and just got me thinking their service department is lazy and does a bad job keeping the ground clean of screws/nails. I spent the next 2 months working my way up the ladder until talking to the General Manager and did get a refund for the cost of replacing the tire.

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