Today I learned about the existence of krokodil, a homemade Russian heroin substitute that causes you to literally rot away until you die.

Ok I have Gay styled moral compasses myself dated all the below:

Obesity- I found her sexy has hell. She was like 350 but omg I love it, however Together we encouraged her to be healthy. As in good/ diet/ exercise nothing weird . Me I’m a buck 20 and maybe 5’2 i can’t help it and omg some girls are mean to me! She was my queen. She died by suicide. Broke me . Opioids if any one is wondering. You say something about over weight folk I will rip your face off.

Alcohol- I went to rehab 3 years ago. Since then I have countless relapses. But some how by the grace of oh fuck. I made it. I have to attend meetings and scream occasionally “I’m an alcoholic” (give me beer!!!). But don’t! I’m a drinker and every hour past is a challenge. But right now I will not drink.

Cigarettes:Today. It really is by the minute sometimes like alcohol. I smoked a pack a day. Switched to American spirts and smoked a pack 1/2 a day. Shut down to 2 a day. The one year 5 I got down to a (one) smoke a day. So far... I can get 3 days clean of cig and alcohol. Alcohol... you mentioned. I want a beer. Bad. But I won’t. And I forget your other questions.

Drugs: I’m embarrassing naive with drugs. To control my anxiety I use pot.... but my SO is meth. Not sure how to handle this. Yes, I was the weird girl that said wtf when you poured a mountain of cocaine on your counter.

I forgot your other question

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