Toddler Dies in a Hot Car While Family Attends a Reunion

It will not prevent things in the future, your suggestions are pointless, the kind of parent who kills their children through negligence isn't the kind of person who is going to be reading articles on how to keep their kid alive. They are too self-centered and shitty too.

You are essentially posting "Kony 2012" with this, it isn't going to solve the problem like at all. It just makes you feel good about yourself, for "helping" by not actually doing anything. Hashtag warrior by another means, this isn't about being an imperfect human.

This is about being a bad person inherently, saying it is a mistake is no excuse. Because, there are 7 billion people on this planet, and the vast, vast majority manage to raise their child into adulthood without doing this.

You're just giving giving self-centered assholes an excuse, guess what you inadvertently causing your child harm is the same as directly doing it. Ignorance and forgetfulness is the same as deliberate abuse, because the results are often the same.

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