Was I too quick to break up with my boyfriend?

If your willing to voice your dislikes and concerns and he agrees to it, yet goes against it and then tells you that you’re stalking him, you did the right thing in leaving him. We all have things that we don’t want to put up with and as long as you were vocal and open about it he shouldn’t be surprised if it makes you upset. I whole heartedly believe you’ll find someone else who will love and care for you without needing to like pictures of half naked girls online. Not that I find anything wrong with liking girls photos but if they know it upsets you, the right person will easily give that up for your peace of mind. Ten months is nothing in the grand scheme of life, but I understand that it still hurts. I can’t decide for you if you did the “right” thing but I do admire you for setting and keeping your boundaries.

/r/relationship_advice Thread