The top four 'leave' ratios in Bronze are Lee Sin, Fiora, Riven, and Draven.

Just passing by, where in his comment did he said Tyler1 invented "KYS"? He said his viewers went to other people's streams and said it, which I find 100% believable considering the kind of internet persona he built. Tyler1 only breeds trolls. Did he "invent" them? Obviously not, god knows trolls have been around for as long as I can remember, but his stream is certainly a breeding ground for them.

Disliking douchebags is a 100% logical thing, and asking for him to be removed isn't bad in my opinion. Let's face it, what you'd rather watch matters 0, what matters is the (non-existent) integrity on steams that I one day hope exists. I'd bold non-existent, but I don't comment on Reddit that often to care how to do so.

Twitch has shit streamers, that's no doubt, from people like Phantomlord, to Nightblue3, to chicks who'se sole purpose is show cleavage to get horny kids to give them their money. But I absolutely support Tyler1 being removed from Twitch, because albeit he's definitely not everything that's wrong with Twitch, he's a (very small) part of it.

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