Trolls, please help. I've talked with my brother this afternoon about some things he makes me feel and I don't know to deal with it. Story inside.

My brother (and GF) is emigrating pretty soon, and I love him and I'm going to miss him and this weekend we spent some of our last time together before he goes away.

So, here's the thing. We're night and day - we differ that much. I'm a booknerd, he's a mechanic. I sit around writing and reading all day, he gets frustrated when he has to sit still. I'm a feeler and talk about my feelings and he never talks about them ever.

He is very busy with his visa (like, really busy. all he does is try to arrange things to go quicker/smoother with that visa). and I understand that he is busy, but I expected him to put a little effort into our time together. And I'm not asking for much - just a question about how I'm doing and how my studies are going and that sort of thing.

So we talked about it, and how we clash sometimes (I always feel overwhelmed when we're discussing things because he's so much stronger verbally than I am) and now both him and his gf said that I can be exactly the same as him, but the way I feel it, I have to be as forceful as he is, or I won't even be heard.

He also said that he feels "everything is ok" between us (and yes, we don't fight, but it's not as good as I'd like things to be) and he stated it in such a way that it should've been obvious, but I'm a doubter - I doubt everything. And since he's no talker... did I expect to much? I mean, just a question now and then about how I'm doing should be ok, right? But since we differ so much, he said that he's "over that" and that "this is just the way things are - we are too different" and that he's perfectly ok with that.

so now Im sitting here like: I'm a horrible sister. I'm intruding on his personal life and apparently I'm not as important to him as he is to me and I have no idea how to deal with that.

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