I have trouble keeping close friends.

I'm quite a bit older than you. But was diagnosed with ADHD when it was just called "hyperactivity" (1971) and at 3 years old was put on Ritalin. Fortunately for me they didn't know kid-doses and had me on enough for a 180lbs man which turned me in to a zombie. And also fortunate for me that I was only 3 so I couldn't be successful when I tried to kill myself by crawling into the oven (also fortunate it was electric). When my mom saw this (and I explained in Ritalin-voice that I was just killing myself) she cut the Ritalin out immediately. She took me to all the hippie natural food shops and switch the whole family to zero-artificial additives, zero sugar drinks, when I was a kid it seemed restrictive, but I was somewhat calmer. Not fully, and still talk too much and too quickly, but was a lot more functional.

Also, as you know ADHD needs intellectual challenges. So in elementary school they skipped 2 years of textbooks and have me 5th grade work in 3rd....

Still messy as fuck. Won't like about that. But here's what I wanted to explain to you:

A few years ago I tried a dose of Ritalin. First off I wanted to o longer be afraid of this drug. Also I wanted to see what my symptoms were like on R. And Holy shit! I was so productive!! finished everything quickly and as so orderly. Like put everything down in its right place... did only one thing at a time till completed. Wow! It was remarkable.

But right away I also know something else. I do not have my own personality while being so 'efficient' and I kept on repeating this thought in my head that I can get the exact same benefits form daily yoga and meditation. I know it sounds like a lot of work. But if you even do 5 minutes of meditation a day (even the popular "Mindfulness" stuff) and if you do even 20 min of yoga a day--- you will see radical changes in your ADHD symptoms. I'm not saying they will all go away. But with me I see a lot of them get diminished. One small example you might know-- I often get so caught up in the information I'm talking about I don't look at them anymore and I go on for probably 3 times too long with 4 times too much information.... when meditating regularly there's more space to be aware of the other people. To take time to listen to them. And be present.

When your brain is firing-like-mad the way it is used to, and the way it's restrained by Adderal, it's overwhelming for other people (and exhausting to you).

When you can turn your mind off, or just learn how to make it still. And when you can bring in that body mind consciousness thing, I guarantee you will not be doing all the things that keep people away.

You don't have to turn into a yogini. And you don't need to meditate for hours on a mountaintop. But when you do meditate every day (even starting at 5min) you can then control your mind amazingly. With regard to yoga I would suggest you try this school it's a very special yoga school-- each posture has an affirmation which help you get into the posture and hold it, but also tone down the ADHD! And the descriptions of each posture and how to get into it are clear and well explained.

So it's been 44 years since Ritalin. and I've managed to keep jobs and friends and had a few long careers (that I only switched cause I got bored). I'm not saying I'm the best meditator or that I can say 100% it "cured" me. I'm still very energized and can talk at length :( but after reading what you wrote. I do feel that Y&M will help you keep friends, stay focused while tapering the chemicals, sleep better, and help you become the person you want to be, not someone who has to be put up with.

/r/ADHD Thread