A true gentleman knows how to make everything better!

There is pretty much only a 6 day time window for a woman to get pregnant by you cumming inside her. 5 days leading up to the day she ovulates, and up to 24 hours after ovulation.

Really, she can only get pregnant when she is ovulating, but sperm can live inside the uterus for upwards of 5 days, so that's why the 5 days before. There's like a 24 hour window on the day she ovulates that she can actually get pregnant.

But, since (I'm guessing?) A lot of women do not precisely track their cycles, other than when they are shedding they're uteral lining "having their period," they don't really know when they ovulate so as far as most people are concerned women can get pregnant "at any time" which really is not the case.

If your partner tracks her cycle closely - there's an app for that - you can take pleasure in cumming inside her all you (BOTH!!!) want as long as it's not those days. It's probably safest to give it a 8 or so day window around the day she is scheduled to ovulate to avoid any unwanted pregnancies because it's almost never EXACTLY right. Some women are more regular than others and their cycles rarely vary. Others can be highly irregular, so there is some risk involved, sure.

One of my partners was pretty in tune with her body and one later morning getting out of bed she was like "i think I'm ovulating today. I have a bit of cramps" and opened up her app and yep, it was the day she was scheduled for ovulation.

I wouldn't recommend having unprotected sex with partners you don't know don't have any STI regardless... So get your shit tested people.

/r/funny Thread Link - i.redd.it