As true now as it was then and as it will be in 20 years time

As a GenX'r that had to deal with the same asshole boomers and were actually far more political and actually got shit done than the millennials, and figured out how to get around the bullshit that the Boomers left us -- and they did try to impact our world -- we seemed to get through just fine.

As for book prices? I've gone to 3 different universities...and at the same time as most millennials did. I took 15 years off after high school to tour the world (while earning a bit of a living). Came back to school when EVERYONE was complaining about book prices. Guess what? All 3 universities I went to I still bought used. Every single company that has online access for their books? Will sell it separately too. But that takes work. Groups of us got together in our cohorts and one would have the newest and if there were questions there, we'd get those. Big scam? Sure. If you are the kind thatis so lazy to get scammed instead of doing something.

Entry level jobs? Most of the folks I knew interned for no money (illegal now and had been for a long time)...I got coffee and ran mail for a record label for a year before I was allowed in the control room. Years later, I decided to go into the field I am now...I was the office IT tech for two years because I KNEW it was what I wanted to do. I now run an office like my old boss did (to a much greater extent) and its funny because the people in my old office still think I'm in IT when they see me at conferences. Guess what? Those of us GenX'rs did this and we were HAPPY that we could do this. We hear the millennials complaining about this and laugh...they have it easier than we did...mostly because WE were the ones the complain and said it wasn't fair when we were actually in jobs and change this back from that the Boomers did. The Millennials profitted from our hard work and still complain that we haven't changed things back from the Boomers who used fucking WW2 which they weren't even a part of as an excuse to tell us all to pull our belts closed and suck it up.

I've seen the greed from the boomers and the laziness from the millennials and guess what? I'd rather have those fucking self righteous sanctified picks from the boomers than the new generation. At least they actually did something while whining about it.

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