[Spoiler] Team SoloMid vs LGD Gaming / 2015 World Championship Group D / Post-Match Discussion

Imp and GodV actually had really good performances that game, just couldn't carry the fuckin brick that is TBQ. Literally that guy got caught by every thresh hook thrown on the face of the earth. He did absolutely nothing on Nunu, didn't even counter jungle. PYL also had a bad showing, with Acorn getting caught out.

But overall, this game could've been lost at 20 min. We see LGD's mechanical prowess come into play at baron, winning teamfights despite a 10k gold lead for TSM, but it's how they fucked up so hard in the early game. Honestly just headless chickens with the worst tps imaginable and getting caught out left and right. I fucking hated, I FUCKING hated godv's attempts to flank at drag. Instead of being with the team or tping in, he goes in their blue jungle which is fully warded, gets caught out of the fight, and dies.

TBQ is fucking garbage tho. Literally 0 wardage especially the much needed setup tp wards.

Overall LGD has no chance of getting out of groups. Best they can hope for is taking 3rd by going 3-0 next week. Which is SUPER unlikely given KT will stomp them. LGD is fucking dead to me. They just seem to have no idea how to play the game and where to be. They should all just ask for permanent residence in France cause China will crucify them on the stake. This is worse than Ozone, Najin, or Alliance. Literally the biggest disappointment in esports that I've watched (I watch CS GO and SC2).

I feel bad for Imp, guy really played his heart out and deserves better. I still think he's easily the best adc in the world.

I think LGD will place fourth and won't win a single game next week . They're gonna be way too tilted and Imp is just not gonna give a flying fuck anymore and just roam the map for 1v1s.

What a fucking travesty LGD is.

/r/leagueoflegends Thread