Trump is a billionaire. The second he gets elected, he will sell out to the highest bidder. Anyone who thinks he will help the American middle class is absolutely delusional and falling for propaganda.

I don't need any homework. I meet thousands of people a month at my job. I talk to people from all walks of life. Trump supporters are all the same person; honkey tonk know-everything's that are ignorant and racist to the bone.

My family are immigrants. I'm a first generation American. My family created a business that employed many white people. These are the people you're scared of? You talk of rape and all this bad stuff, yet get your information undoubtedly from the main stream media which is in the business of creating a cube of fear to box you in with, so your so scared that you'll go to war or buy this product or whatever it may be. After 9/11 this entire country was scared and pressured out of fear into going to war in a country we had no business being in. We listened to Mr. Bush's lies and racist diatribe, and look where that got us? Are you really that fucking scared of some mexicans? It's just confounding to me how you can't realize that the more you speak, the more you prove your ignorance and racism. Just because you can quote other countries that have created walls doesn't mean shit. Do you want to go live in Russia? Do you thinkt he Soviet Union was benevolent ?

You say that Mexico will just listen to us. If that's the case, then don't you think we've asked them to stop letting people into our country? That doesn't seem to work for them. So you're gonna take it a step further and say, "These people won't comply with international law, or do anything to close the border, so let's make them build a wall" How ignorant is that? You think this government which is lazy to the bone will do anything Trump says? Get over yourself.

None of the things you listed above would have been possible without extreme propaganda. Propaganda from the main stream media, which brainwashes people with fear into reaching a predetermined goal. It's all fear based propaganda.

And you talk about liberals with their fancy fortresses and private security? How about you get your head out of your ass. Donald Trump paid 80,000 dollars a week, after a half million dollar sign up fee, for private security from a firm that quickly dropped his ass because he's a megalomaniac and orders his guards to punch innocent protesters in the face. You've no idea who you talk to. I have Donald Trumps personal cell phone number. I know people that have stood next to that man for hours upon hours, months upon months. You have only the side of his story that he and the main stream media want to feed you, not the REAL picture.

The Raw truth is that man doesn't give a fuck about America, about human beings, and especially about the economy. He would just as quickly sell the last remnants of the soul of this country to the highest bidder as he would wipe his ass after taking a shit. I'm done arguing with you. There's no point in speaking with a person like you, because I do it all the time and experience proves that if you're gonna vote for that fool, then you are a fool yourself .

I'm normally a lot more level headed. I normally say "to each their own'. But when you threaten the future of my country with your ignorance, by hoping to elect a war/fear mongerer into office of the highest position of military in the United States of America, then you start to bother me. Explain to me what political experience this man has? He's a reality tv star, and a shitty one at that. I listen very intently to his speeches, his words, I go on his website, and why is it that I'm the only one that sees right through the bull? How can you really not see that this man is making promises more grandiose than Obama. The US government can barely pick it's nose without affecting negatively millions of people. And you want this guy to start a massive campaign to do all this nonsense? What a joke!

Your fear and racism have clouded your judgement. Don't be so scared of brown people, dude. Kick all the mexicans out and the lawn care industry, the construction industry, the restaurant industry and so much more will be crippled in one day. Learn to respect your fellow man and look at them as humans and not "things" to be scared of that you can just "throw away" when you don't like them anymore. But, I'm not surprised, because for hundreds of years white people in this country thought it was okay to keep black people as slaves, and then complain now when black people still ask for their sovereign freedoms. "THEY ARE FREE!" you say, without realizing that that's the furthest from the truth. White Americans have racism in their DNA. Don't pretend like you've changed.

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