Trump opponents inflate snarling orange 'Trump baby' blimp beside British parliament

Why on earth would you care about policy decisions that another country is making that do not affect you in any way, shape, or form and that you have zero control over because you are not a citizen, do not pay taxes, and cannot vote there, and have probably never visited, so you have no personal stake in the decisions as they do not directly affect your everyday life?

The thing that astounds me about Britons -and I've seen this behavior from them all over the world - is how obsessed they are with American politics.

Just a few months ago i was in a remote guesthouse in the Cambodian countryside and even there, I couldn't get away from drunken Brits at 10 AM in the morning loudly discussing American internal policy from healthcare to immigration from Mexico to gun rights.

Why on earth would anybody waste their time and energy criticizing things that have no impact on them and that they have no control over? Especially when they've made no effort to understand why half of an entire nation would vote that way and support those decisions?

Whenever I've posed this question to Brits or Australians they get fucking angry at you.

It seems like they don't even know why they protest or talk about American politics all the time - or even why they're angry. They just want to take their irrational behavior out on somebody and they have made Americans their target.

When I've met Britons abroad, when they learn I'm an American - especially one from the South (which they only know by stereotype and movies...etc) - they lay into me and start forcing their opinions on America and Trump down my throat unprovoked.

It's vitriolic, it's insecure, it's nonsensical.

I would never, ever, ever talk shit about another country's leaders and decisions that they make internally - especially if they were fairly elected. Because I do not have a stake in the conversation - I do not live there, vote there, pay taxes there.

Most Americans would never do such a thing.

But Brits are so rude, crude, insensitive to other people's cultures and countries, that they seem no problem lashing out in the streets like children against an elected leader because they - what - don't like the way he talks?

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