Trump says he never said that Mexico would directly pay for the wall

Is that a hooker joke or a protest joke?

Seriously though, do you have any idea how much it costs to fly to DC from the west coast? I have to drive for 3 hours to get to an airport that has direct flights to DC, then spend 2 hours in line with the 1 TSA agent who decided to show up. Did you know it's a 5 hour flight? And then, Dulles is a nightmare. Where will I sleep when I get there? How much will that cost? How far out of the city am I gonna have to get a room because, it's so last minute?

Who's gonna take care of my share of taking care of my kids while I'm gone? How much will that cost? Who's going to take care of them if I get arrested, which is likely, and have to spend a month or more in jail because, I can't afford the bond to be released? How long will I end up having to be in jail because, I had to use a public defender because, that's be cheaper than spending my entire life savings on a lawyer who could've gotten me a smaller sentence?

What happens to my family if I lose my job and my benefits package because, I'm stuck in jail for an indefinite amount of time, 3,000 miles away?

How will my husband feel when he loses his job because, as per his contract, he can't communicate with felons or people on national security watch lists, even if they're the mother of his children?

Why aren't you in the streets? Oh, you're Canadian ... right. Sorry!

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