Accused rapists should have the same anonymity as rape victims until proven guilty.

So doesn’t make it true because it’s from some pro feminist men’s group of pc cucks from Stanford , that’s a logical fallacy at no point does anything you’ve sent offer anything near evidence , and if you haven’t noticed I haven’t even bothered to try to back up anything myself because your just another all men are rapist type person When were you last raped ? When did you last go to trial ? How many rapist do you know ? How many people do you know were wrongly accused of rape and got off? It’s so bad it’s become a cliche about women who make false rape claims . I have heard of a case where one lady claimed rape from two different guys on the same night , one wasn’t convicted and the other was convicted , another case where one woman alleged she had been raped by 5 different people. No one was convicted , it wasn’t presented in court that she has a mental disorder and a history of false complaints , the court went ahead with the trials anyway . Read up,the page and you might find other testament to the fact it’s a sham industry

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