The US is trying to create unipolar world says Vladimir Putin

If you're Russian, I think we agree more than disagree...

"Justice" and "freedom" are pretty tales they'll weave for our necessity, but in the end, it's all a mere fight for either profit or survival.

Absolutely. The motivation of states is totally unrelated to the dogma communicated to the country and the world.

I pity people who think the West is anti-Russian due to justice or that Russia supports rebels in Ukraine for the same reason.

I dont pity them, I just don't give their view much credence. Same as I don't for the Russian zealots we often see here. Defending Russian speakers, histories of the region meaning more than they actually do, the endless victim complex, the evil of the west and the honorable and just Russia, etc.

Hopefully you understand my amusement when one of us mere mortals reads a few articles online and decides to wave this or that flag, convinced it's their own fight.

I do, and agree. Where I may not agree is that I'd still rather be on the winning side if it impacts my life for the better. However fucked up it may be here, and however much I disagree with what the country has evolved into, I have a pretty good middle class life. I would prefer that to fighting on a side without such things. I speak with my wife about moving....somewhere better, maybe Iceland? Too fucking cold though.

Also, I hope you understand I'm not making a moral judgement here -- merely stating facts.

Morality has a much smaller place than governments take credit for. Most of it is bullshit. Not always, but often.

Ukranian regime heavily leans into neo-nazi rhetoric, that's clearly observable.

I never said otherwise, I took issue with you pointing it out as if its unusual, or that Russia doesn't have similar problems on a smaller scale. I'm annoyed by the constant label of fascists coming from many Russian posters. Russia is on the edge itself, and also has Nazis, extreme nationalists, xenophobia, etc.

It's just utterly hilarious to me how your average Western "internet citizen" will ignore when the West does the exact same with the Ukranian neo-nazi element.

Again, if you're Russian, you're about the most rational I've come across. I would suggest Russia is a hypocritical as the US, but I see more criticism of US action than I do of Russian government or actions. Acknowledging the problem is endearing to many, myself included. Denial promotes rejection of alternate views. Russia clearly has some serious problems. Many here are annoyed by the constant denials and blame of others.

I'll admit me questioning how Guardian expects us to swallow something like that is a rhetorical question

Thats what internet forums are for!

of course I know most will swallow it without question.

I've seen some really disturbing propaganda coming out of Russia, and honestly, it appears to be on a different level altogether.

you don't really matter.

Agreed, we're all along for the ride to some degree.

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