Trying to figure out what's bullshit about this sub

Really? I'm almost 40 (next year) and have never wanted to have my own kids. My siblings can do it if they like, but the idea of wanting my own children and getting married makes me anxious in the extreme. The idea of something growing inside my stomach makes me literally phobic. Everyone has their phobias; mine is pregnancy.

Or maybe it's just that I was the oldest of five kids and single-handedly raised them for the first 20 years of my life, while juggling school and getting into uni. I'm done with child-rearing. I'm done with nappy (diaper) changes, babies screaming, the miserable marriage where my parents stayed together for the sake of the kids.

Which actually should be a good thing for TRP, so I don't get why guys find this involuntary trait I have offensive. I'm taking myself out of the marriage market and most members of TRP don't want marriage or children themselves because it's not financially viable. And while anyone who wants to get married has a right to, there's no denying that marriage is a legally binding and financially expensive arrangement. Divorce is dreaded but common and complicates matters further.

This is part of the reason I don't buy AWALT. I know that most women want marriage and kids (most men do too btw, outside of this sub) and I've constantly encouraged by men and women over the course of my life to marry and have kids. I still am, because I look oddly youthful. And for some bizarre reason it turns out I have the fertility of a woman ten years younger. So does my mother. I don't know why. If I could "gift" this fertility to another female who wants kids but can't have them I could.

So my dating history is LTRs with no cheating. The impetus somehow isn't there. It also seems illogical. (Just end it if you're tired of the relationship). I had a 5 year LTR and a few other LTRs, but I don't date for years in between relationships (or have sex during that time). I like the down time for myself.

The other thing I don't get is hypergamy. I'm not looking for someone who's a provider, because people who want to be providers generally also want kids. There's no need for me to "upgrade" from one guy to another because I date who I like. There's no agenda there. The strange thing is I often hear comments from people that the guys I date are either "not good looking enough" or "I could do better". Different boyfriends' friends have said when meeting me, "Punching above your weight there, hey mate?" and though it's mean to be a joke, it's actually fucking insulting. I'm with the dude because I think he's hot and intelligent and he's normally funny. Intelligent men who can tell a good story draw me in.

I worked in finance journalism for 15 years and got along with my coworkers fantastically. I was the only female in the office. No office bullying, just people getting along. Now I work in an office that is 80% women and I'm trying to adjust to the dynamic. Don't think I don't notice that there's a bunch of bitchy women who sit around all day doing no work and take pleasure in bullying others. I loathe them, I know this happens. Fortunately there's some cool girls there I get along with. Usually however I work better in a male-oriented environment.

There's just too many RP assumptions that contradict my entire life experience. So when you say "there must be something wrong with (women who) die without passing on their lineage," then I'm happy to have something wrong with me. I can do what I like with my life, which suits me fine.

And I'm also eliminating myself from divorce-raping anyone, so it's hard to see why RPers would be offended by my lifestyle. From what Ozymando seems to be about I would suggest my mere existence threatens his black-and-white definition of what other people should do according to the Law of Oz, or he'll short a circuit or something. I don't care enough about strangers' relationships to feel that way.

Other potentially relevant background: I'm an atheist. The only God I believe in is Logic.

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