Two countries have already told the UK they must relax immigration rules if they want free trade

Well, I'm sure you're a reasonable and logical person willing to discuss the referendum and it's consequences like an adult. I'll check your first page of most recent posts to see where you stand on the issue.


  • It is entirely reasonable to wish ill on people who have harmed you. Leavers need to get used to it, whatever class or generation they belong to.

  • No need for evidence these days. 17,000,000 people voted for us not to have to make decisions or impressions based on facts.

  • Won't be their fault though, it will be 'Remoaners' fault.

  • I'm completely comfortable in my conclusion that most Leavers would rather beat the hell out of Polish child and steal his stuff (whilst being convinced that he must have stolen it from them anyway) than get a job. Seems like we are at least both comfortable.

  • Truth is our ancestors fought and died fighting people like the Leavers who happened to be from a different country. I look at the people on my side of this divide and feel comfortable can you say the same?

  • We shall fight them on the beaches, in the Houses of Parliament, social media, around the dinner table, in blogs and the wider media. The Leavers will learn what it is to be on the receiving end of an underdog insurgency.

  • You mean our own version of the self proclaimed 'Mr Brexit'? If we get a Trump it will be down to the Leavers who are close to him ideologically anyway.

Do you really live your life thinking and behaving this way, basing all of your political views from threads on Reddit and being so divisive, vitriolic and hateful? Seriously man, it doesn't seem healthy. Chill out on the extreme rhetoric.

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