Two earth-sized exoplanets may be home to a habitable atmosphere

I'd argue the opposite, The amount of information at my fingertips and the amount of things I can do easily grows every day. I could order a raspberry pi and ardruino from amazon, it would be here in two days. I could build something amazing.

I could learn to code PHP and build a website that spreads awareness for something or helps people with something.

Conversely I could start by own business with a website and make money.

I could do any of these things and other amazing feats my parents would never even have considered anything more than science fiction, and I could do them without ever leaving my house. Imagine the things I could do if I left the house.

I know this is /r/space but this whole "I'll never fly in a space ship so my whole life is pointless" is just silly. You like space? Learn something and join NASA or SpaceX or kickstart your own space project. Just because you don't fly in a space ship and can't travel to another planet doesn't make life no longer worth living.

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