Two men have been arrested over the murder of Russian opposition politician Boris Nemtsov

you can win this argument?

Didn't know we were arguing, but OK. Lets argue.

Maybe you do not talk about credibility when you just can not do more then assume and suggest i have none, you just pulled some blame-stuff onto me not a single fact.

I'll keep it to myself next time, no problem. I started that way so you knew where my response was coming from. It would have been very easy to leave it out, and since you seem offended, I'll tone it down for you.

So you think with some baseless ad hominem crap

OK, how about this:

From an outsider's perspective, you started off sounding a bit self important mixed with some superiority. Perception is key when communicating. And since you've gone to full on name calling, I know what yours is now.

You inferring ignorance of others and suggesting you know what others think with zero information is an amazing disconnect of mental gymnastics.

I'll stick with this, you pulled a total hypocrite with this, doing exactly what you rail against others for. Regardless of if you feel Ive done the same, it doesn't change your comments. And High horse, pseudo psychiatric shit is all you got maybe you need some mental workout? I'll pass on commenting on this, too easy to poke fun here. I'll move on.

asshole move you just pulled

That escalated quickly, we're on to full on name calling now? I'll choose to pass here again, too easy. I'm not inclined to shit sling even if you do. You can go on with it though, I'm not easily offended.

Maybe we have other definitions on what western media is?

Western media would be media from the west.... primarily English speaking and corporate would be my definition. Tass and Al Jazeera western now? I guess I do read a lot of western media then. You were right all along, apologies!

It wasn't a contest. By the way... why the edit? Got some angst if some of your US-American people read that you watch something they don't like you get backslashed?

eh? I don't remember the edit, and how old are you? I couldn't care less what someone reads about me, I'm not sure what you're referring to.

Are you asking because you don't know, or because you dispute the number? What do you think?

I think you believe that its hip/cool/edgy/clever to be contrary, regardless of reason, logic, or precedent, and that you'll dispute anything if its well accepted by others. In that context, I'll say that you think the story of dead journalists is a fabrication of the CIA, or whatever chique boogeyman is in fashion now.

I don't like Sophismus und Rabulistik this whole "klein klein" from you just sucks. Why do you want others to account for shit that is not really important but keep bringing it up because you just want to argue about it?

You brought into question the accuracy of the number of dead journalists. I posted sources, you disputed it essentially out of hand. How is this me just wanting to argue about it? I'd would describe it more as me calling you on bullshit and trying to keep your comments on subject, I am genuinely sorry if this somehow offended you. The alternative is simply that we can both make silly/absurd claims and just move on from it. I'm game if you are.

Just because something is not solved does not mean you can make shit up and also i do not have to provide you a "narrative" just because you like a unclosed storyline.

Holy crap. I dd not make anything up. My post never said anything like what you are suggesting until you asked me point blank what I thought. (Putin? Really?) I said that I believed there was Russian involvement. You keep distorting what Ive said, this whole klein klein thing from you just sucks. You just keep bringing it up and want to argue.

You need to calm down, you've taken some pretty broad license with things Ive said, stop distorting words.

Some case can be made about the US with it's gun violence, race problems and mass incarceration.

This has absolutely nothing to do with the OP, my comments, or anything.

And just calling every dead Russian the media finds a "Putin critic" does not count for shit.

Again, where did I say anything like this? You need to stop changing other people's words so much. Last time I'll correct you. Next time I'll just start doing the same thing you are. Wildly distorting and put words in your mouth. OK? What I said from the begging is that there are over 200 dead journalists and critics in the last twenty years. Unless you have information that disproves my links, you have nothing to say here. Let it go.

how about you solve your own crimes in your country?

Oh, come on. You're better than this. I'll ignore the comment instead of lowering this any more than its already gotten.

If you'd like, we can start another post about problems in the US and Germany. Deal? Until then, stay on topic.

Not the USA i am fed up with them!

Take it up with your government.

And you glossed over a whole lot here. Choose an empire is a reality, you don't have to like it, but you're along for the ride either way. You have limited options at the moment. For you, its the US or Russia. Sounds like you choose Russia. Fair enough.

The DDR and BRD thing is too complex to discuss right now but to make it short both states had good and bad sides and after the reunion it did not really went like it should have.

Convenient for you. And bullshit, but OK.

Why are the Russians gone and your country not?

Why do you think? They went broke competing with your new boogeyman, the US.

If the USA closes its military bases and goes home, that would be a start.

See above, its your own fault, and you benefit from it in more ways than not. Sorry, no sympathy here.

Also the sanctions that the USA forced us to take really hurt my country so there is not real gain in being a US-vassal and countrymen who think otherwise are just dumb and or corrupt.

When and what are you referring to?

"Klein Klein" like i already said there is no reason to waste time with that. All of what you kept wittering was just based around that, so what do you even want? This is about the US because they just can not leave that narrative even through there actions in the world are one main source of deaths globally.

This was posted in direct response to you questioning the number. ("I mean were the fuck does that number of 200 dead so called dead journalist come from ") How would you like me to have answered?

This is about the US because they just can not leave that narrative even through there actions in the world are one main source of deaths globally.

Fine, so show me sources not corrupted by the menace US?

If you are going to simply dismiss sources, claim the numbers are fabricated, and post or suggest nothing to corroborate such big claims, I'll politely ask you to go pound sand.

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