By typing "I will die by" and letting auto complete finish your sentence, how will you die?

I will die by the time you go to sleep with your phone on your lap and I don't know if you can get a text from my phone to your phone and I can't even use my phone anymore so you can call my mama and she doesn't know what I want to do with my life or my phone is not working so I can't get my money yet and I'm still waiting for a new update to fix this problem because I have been unable to access the information without having a full version of the app and it has been a long way to go with the same bug as well but I can't find any other app that is not working properly or even working on my phone and I don't know how much money you can use to get it right after the first time it came my life and my mama was like a woman who had a lot of time on the ground so she could have been there for me too well she was the first person I ever had to say I was a little girl and I'm not sure what she is going to do with my life because she has no idea how much money I am going through with.

/r/AskReddit Thread