U.S. downgraded to flawed democracy for the first time

Deleted my original comment and updated it because I accidentally responded and want to get all the info in:

I appreciate an informative, genuine response as opposed to a snarky, angry one that I usually get here. So for that, thank you. Although I am confused on what you're saying here. Top 10 countries, but for what? Freedom is a very broad term.

What I am talking about here are the liberties afforded to United States citizens. Without getting into a complete discussion about the Constitution (don't have much time), I will say this: each Amendment works together as a machine. And that machine brings you many liberties that most countries in this world do not have.

Moreover, our court system is unmatched. The United States is the only country in the world that affords a jury trial, punitive damages (punishment costs), and strict liability for manufacturers (Ex: Ford makes a faulty car, they are liable for all of it). No other countries in the world have that. I could go on for hours, but like I said, not much time.

/r/politics Thread Parent Link - nydailynews.com