u/You_Are_All_Absurd perfectly describes why "white pride" isn't a thing but "black pride" is

This is not to provide a platform legitimizing their views, but I wanted to put in my two cents because I think that one of the reasons some many were so shocked at the election outcome was because we (and by "we" I mean the liberal denizens of reddit/"coastal elites") routinely like to delegitimize groups of people that we disagree with based on our own smug, internally self consistent, and what we feel is more nuanced view of the world.

Stop. STOP.

White supremacists didn't win the election for Donald. There wasn't some huge cultural shift that happened in the past 12 months that caused Donaldism to "sweep the nation and the world by storm"... Bern-outs just didn't vote. That's it. The people who voted for Obama, who voted Obama again, and who voted for Bernie... stayed home. Record low voter turnouts because the "Crooked Hillary" message convinced a large chunk of voters that their vote was meaningless either way and they might as well not show up.

That's pretty much it. We do not need to listen to white supremacists and coddle their sick world views... the world has not changed, these people are not taking our country over. People just decided not to voice their opinion one election cycle. The only take away from this election is "go vote, even if you think it is the lesser of two evils, go out and vote".

/r/bestof Thread Parent Link - np.reddit.com