Ugh. This is so stupid and I'm sorry but I had to share this with someone and I thought you guys might be able to lend some support.

College? ChCh here! Also male so this might shed some light into the why men do this question of your post.

Listen, drunk people have no judgement, just because we walk past the bod each day does not mean that everybody that lives, passes through or visits here has the level of intelectual maturity necessary to establish a normal regular well intended conversation. You are doing great, these are stressful times for all of us and that alone has us at a level of stress that even if we think we're doing great and managing, it only takes one idiot to ruin it.

That guy saying whatever to you and bringing you down? Guess what? It's not because he has a power over you or that you owe him or anyone else anything, you're not at 100%, we cannot be in finals and function at a normal level of stability in these situations. I was in the chch meadows a couple weekends ago and this guy ran past me and the only thing I could think was how I should exercise more, started to get depressed, turned back, got out and ended up across st aldates eating ice cream for like 10 minutes, when it suddently hit me that I felt that way because all of my time has been devoted to studying so I'm not as stable as I normally am.

As to why people, especially men, do and say stupid things? Guess what? Because men for the most part are stupid, our brains are wired differently, we do not, I repeat, do not have a filter that goes between brain and mouth, even in Oxford. Some men learn that words hurt, have consequences and that just because we say something in a heartbeat does not mean that those words don't have the potential to utterly destroy someone else. Also, a drunk men? Yeah you're not dealing with the same species as you, maybe the same genus but that's as far as I'll go in the evolutionary branch.

Finally, keep going, do not give up, you made it this far, keep going, and this will sound crazy because you don't know this yet, but you are some else's inspiration right now, you will be someone else's inspiration in the future, and you will eventually be remembered as the reason why someone achieved greatness later down the lane.

Good night, have fun, enjoy summer, good luck with finals, also those tourist are waiting for us after each exams to take pics of us? Did that also make you feel like you were inside a zoo too or was it just me?

/r/TwoXChromosomes Thread