UK: Homelessness problem 'worst in decades'

I would actually require the people on benefits to attend some kind of school if they are not working.

Yes please, as someone who has been trapped in the system for over 10 years it would be great to get some actual help instead of being paid to effectively waste away any potential. Too late for that though as I'm now in my 30s and due to social isolation have totally lost track with how things work.

10 years ago there were lots of these schemes available, I was on a few of them myself, just basic low skilled placements with a qualification at the end. Of the 3 places I went to, 2 of them had their funding cut, they closed down, and another changed hands meaning my effort was invalidated unless started from scratch.

I still know plenty of 30 years old living at home with their parents because they were fucked by this government. If anyone seems to think this country will get better under any of the current UK political parties when they are useless and full of false promises, you're going to be in for a surprise, or at least people like me will be when the blame shifts from immigrants to those of welfare.

Fuck them and the people that helped create this mess.

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