Ukraine asks U.S. for $2B per month in emergency economic aid

Yeah the big problem with aid packages like this is that the democrats keeps asking for more taxes. People are over it. It doesn't matter about some "we have to do this to maintain world peace" bull shit..

Our tax money isn't going to the things we need like free health care.. It's going to "world peace"

a lie that's been told for decades and still believed to this day. The propaganda is fed to us on a near daily basis so when it comes time to up our military budget everyone cheers.

Spend whatever fucking money you want government, but stop asking me for more. I like a lot of the platforms democrats push, but that particular one makes it very hard for me to vote for them.

Find the money you need in the military budget.. simple as that

Ironically the inflation issue wouldn't even be that big of a deal if we didn't have massive health insurance bills every month. Our economy would literally be booming right now.

Yet here the message is we have to spend fortunes on ukraine, the military, and we need to increase taxes, oh but your family insurance is still going to be 1500 a month..

this is a big "suck it America" move by our politicians. We need new parties entirely and a new direction as a country.

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